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they had to be doctors shopkeepers and blacksmiths to find more info got to please -_-

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90% of the people in the United States were farmers and so were the men who came west as pioneers.

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railroad track building

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Q: What were some of the jobs that people in the westward expansion had to do?
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How did the nation change as a result of westward movement after the Civil War?

The Westward Expansion has often been regarded as the central theme of American history. The expansion was the result of a strong desire of Manifest Destiny amongst most Americans. Manifest was a belief that the United States was destined to expand across the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Westward expansion had many effects on America. New forms of transportation such as the Transcontinental Railroad developed, bolstering the nation's economy. Although most changes were positive, some were negative. The westward expansion weakened the Native Americans hold on their sacred lands and onto reservations and threatened to ruin their culture. The positive result of Westward Expansion was the start of the United States. Nowadays, United States is one of the most successful countries in the world, and it all started with Westward Expansion. The movement to the West created a huge country which set up the success of America. Another positive part was the creation of the Transcontinental Railroad. The railroad was built as a result of Westward movement, because the early settlers needed a way to transport goods from the West, such as lumber, to the East, efficiently in order to develop a economy. A negative part, and it is a big negative, was the end of the Native Americans. Of course, there are still Native Americans living today, but back before Westward expansion; they basically had the whole West Coast. They treated their land with care. But when white settlers arrived, they were forced out of their own land and onto reservations. Conflicts between white people and Indians arose because of this, and many people, especially Native American, were killed, and killed brutally. Without Westward Expansion, the United States would not be as successful as it is nowadays. But on the other hand, the Natives were here first and we should have given them respect. Even though it is horrific what happened to the Native Americans as a result of Westward Expansion, without it, America would not be where it is today.

What were some reasons foe the period of westward expansion after civil war?

1. land 2. freedom of religion. 3. gold rush hope this helps

Why did critics object to the spoil system?

The spoils system was objected to to the experience levels of the people rewarded with the jobs. Some people knew nothing about the government jobs the received.

What were some challenges of the Westward Expansion?

The native Americans faced trouble like settleing into new land ajusting to new places and the sever weather faced. many Natives also faced the new settlers stealin the land and forcing them to move to geogia and southeast states. one of the famous trails that the Natives made was the trail of tears.

What did they do in the war?

Some of them fought, others did menial jobs, and some did both.

Related questions

Who are some important people from the westward expansion?

lewis and clark

What were some plants found on the westward expansion?

There are many plants found on the Westward Expansion, such as wild flowers. I am not 100% sure of names... But you can search on the internet: What were some names of the plants found in the Westward Expansion? If anybody knows that answer to this question, please edit this answer and help others learn the answer. Thank you!

Why did some Americans agree to westward expansion and others opposed?

There was no opposition to the westward expansion of the US. The first available westward movement came with the Treaty of Paris, where England gave to the 13 colonies all land east of the Mississippi River. Also, the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 set the groundwork for westward expansion.

How did the south influence the Westward Expansion?

Some leaders influenced the expansion, and due to rising population in the west.

How is the war of 1812 related to the westward expansion?

The War of 1812 secured existing US boundaries and defeated tribes in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys. This along with the Indian Removal Act of 1830, opened the door to significant westward expansion by people across America .

What are some events that happened during the westward expansion during the civil?

One is the fur trappers

Who were the Mongols enemy's?

Some of their main enemies were the Chinese and Slavic Europeans during their expansion westward.

How did some people profit during westward expansion?

land speculators bought huge area of land. then they sold part of the land to people who dremed of having farms and made profit.

What were some economic incentives associated with westward expansion?

The people got more land for cheaper than in the north. Hope this helped :)

What negative effects were connected with western expansion?

Some positive effects of the westward expansion is that the Pony Express Continental came about. Westward Expansion also allowed more jobs to be invented from the Gold Rush. Plus, the size of the United States doubled,meaning there are more resources available. The negative effects are the Native Americans being forced in to reservations after having their land stolen, being forced to assimilate into the white culture, having their main source of life, the buffalo to be killed off, and war which caused the deaths of many Native Americans.

What does Jackson say about America westward expansion and native America's during this first inaugural speech?

help me some one

How did westward expansion affect slaves in the US?

It increased the desire for slaves due to the expanding "Cotton Kingdom". Certain acts had previously banned the addition of new slaves but because of western expansion, there was some disagreement between the North and the South, abolitionists and slave-holders, as to whether or not new slaves were needed.