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Q: What were some of the tribes that the Muslims invited to Islam in Arabia?
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When did Islam reach Oman?

Islam likely reached Oman when the Arab tribes of eastern Arabia joined with Mohammed and the Muslims in 632 CE, following the capitulation of the Meccans.

What is Saudi Arabia's religion?

Saudi Arabia's primary religion (along with most of the Middle East) is Islam.

What is Islam's place of piligrimage?

Muslims make a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

What is the holy city of Islam to which Muslims make pilgrimages?

Mecca, in Saudi Arabia.

Did the Muslims affect barbarian tribes?

no they didn't, barbers convert to Islam peacefully...100% of them belive of Islam

Where is Islam practiced most?

syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt ___________________________________________________________ By Muslims all over the world

Islam Sunni Shi'ite statistics in Saudi Arabia?

In Saudi Arabia, there are 24,949,000 Muslims, and about 85% are Sunnis, 15% are Shi'as.

Why is the direction they face when praying important to Muslims?

Muslims pray facing the holiest of cities in Islam--Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

What kind of Islam religion Arabs?

There is only one kind of Islam religion and it did start in Saudi Arabia and Arabs were the first Muslims

Where did saudia Arabia get its name?

Saudi Arabia is named after the language Arabic and the culture Islam. Saudie Arabia is also named after the honor of the royal family wich were Muslims.

How was Islam able to spread throughout Arabia?

Arabia is a unique case. The Biography of the Prophet and the story of Early Caliphate are quite clear. Islam spread throughout Arabia through two major prongs. Mohammed was a Preacher who was able to convince through words that he was the final Prophet of God. More instrumental, however, was the war between the Muslims and the Tribe of Qoreish between the cities of Yethrib/Medina and Mecca. The Muslim victory over Qoreish led to mass conversions across Arabia since many Arabians now saw Islam as the dominant power in the region and were giving their authority to Mohammed to prevent a similar war. After Mohammed's death, several of these tribes de-converted from Islam since to them it was only a tribal pact. Caliph Abu Bakr was forced to dedicate his Caliphate to subduing these other tribes and forcing them to become Muslim. There were still some non-Muslims living in Arabia until the next Caliph, Omar, evicted all non-Muslims from Arabia.

What is the main religion in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of the Islamic faith. Additionally, all faiths other than Sunni Islam are illegal in Saudi Arabia.