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Q: What were some ways that the Jews reacted to the Holocaust?
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How many Jews were killed during the holocaust'?

The official figure is that 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust.

What was Adolf Hitler's relationship or connection to the Holocaust?

he hated jews so when he took power in germany he decided to put millions of jews into concentration camps and kill them in nasty ways. this is the holocaust

What impact does the Holocaust have on us today?

the holocaust impacted us in a lot of ways 1.) we built an atomic bomb because we let some Jews come to the US 2.)thats all i know cause i love cats

What were 3 ways that Nazis would kill Jews in the Holocaust?

by work, by starving, by disease

Where did the Jews get killed?

During the Holocaust, Jewish people as well as many others were killed. Some of the terrible ways listed include gas chambers, fires, gunshots, and more.

Who died in the Holocaust and what are some ways they died?

Jews died in the Holocaust; most were gassed to death, many were shot, quite a few died from illnesses brought on by insufficient food and sleep combined with overwork and a lack of clothing/shelter. Many were beaten to death, some were hanged and some killed by lethal injection. Those were the most common ways to die.

How did they kill the Jewish?

The Jews that were killed in the Holocaust were killed in a variety of ways. Many were shot, most were killed with poison gas.

What kind of ways were Jews killed in the Holocaust?

Jews were killed in numerous ways. Some were: gas showers, shot, hung, beaten to death, starvation, disease, exposure, buried alive, death marches, put in giant ovens, thrown into fire. These are the ways that I know of. They are inhuman and horrid. This is a terrible event and should not be made in to a joke.

What are some of the ways the Jewsih fought back during the holocaust?

The Warsaw uprising was one. The Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto fought off the Nazis. They ultimately were put down in a fierce fight.

What are some of the ways they killed people in the holocaust?

gassing, lethal injection on adults

How did Nicolaus Rossini help save Jews?

Like with others who helped jews, Rossini didnt liked hitlers ways and how he was treating certain people,so he retalitated and tried to free jews

Was the Holocaust from 1939 to 1945?

The Holocaust began heatedly in November 1938, when the Nazis attacked the Jews, murdering 91 people and arresting and sending to concentration camps somewhere between 25,000 and 30,000 Jews. Before this, Jews had suffered from the hate of the Nazis and cruel laws restricting marriage and stripping them of their citizenship. However, this attack was the beginning of the mass murder of millions of Jews, Romanis, Homosexuals, Jehovah's witnesses, Soviet POWs, and others, known as the Holocaust that did not end until January 1945.___There are various ways of dating the Holocaust. Please see the related question. (The dates in the question make one wonder whether the questioners thinks the Holocaust is the same thing as World War 2).