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54th Massachusetts Regiment

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Q: What were the African American soldiers who fought at forth wager called?
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How many African American soldiers fought on the American Revolution?


How many African American soldiers fought on the American side during the American revolution?

About ten percent of the American soldiers were black.

Description of the Buffalo Soldiers?

Buffalo Soldiers were a Calvary of African American soldiers who fought in the Civil War.

Who fought against dictatorships overseas what did African American soldiers feel they were fighting back home?

African-American soldiers felt like they were fighting racism back home.

Who were the Buffalo Soldiers -apex?

African American soldiers who fought in the Plains Indian WarJust took the test ❤️

As they fought against dictatorship overseas what did African soldiers feel they were fighting back home?

African-American soldiers felt like they were fighting racism back home.

What were the American soldiers called who fought at lexington and concord Begins with an M?


Who fought for the English king during the American revolution?

Redcoats(british), Hessians german soldiers also called mercenaries. These soldiers fought not out of loyalty but for pay

African Americans fought mostly for which side in American Revolution?

African-Americans fought mostly for the patriots in the American Revolution.

African-Americans fought mostly for which side in the American revolution?

African-Americans fought mostly for the patriots in the American Revolution.

What were black soldiers called during the civil war?

Union slodiers - Yanks or Yankees . bushwhacker - a Confederate guerrilla during the American Civil War Confederate - a supporter of the Confederate States of America greyback, Johnny, Johnny Reb, Reb, Rebel - `Johnny' was applied as a nickname for Confederate soldiers by the Federal soldiers in the American Civil War; `greyback' derived from their grey Confederate uniforms

Why did African American join the Continental Army?

They wanted to make money, and also become free after they serve their the need for soldiers grew, some states ignored the ban and enlisted African Americans.Rhode Island raised an all-African American regiment in 1778.By the war's end,every state except South Carolina enlisted African Americans tofightHistorians estimate that as many as 5,00 African American joined the patriots.Among them were Lemuel Hayes and Peter Salem, who fought at concord.African Americans fought for the sam reasons as other Americans they belived in the patriot cause or they needed the money.Some soldiers were enslaved africans who had run away from slaveholders.Others fought to earn their freedom