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They were competing over the land because it had alot of fur trading posts.

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Q: What were the British and French competing for Canada?
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What were the British and French competing for?

They were competing over the land because it had alot of fur trading posts.

What part of Canada is French and What part of Canada is British?

No part of Canada is British. French are a majority in Quebec.

What countries competing in the 2012 Olympics speak french?

yes canada

What descent are most of people in Canada?

Canada first belonged to the french, then british. So Canadians are descended from either british or french. that is why many people in Canada speak French.

Why were the Cajuns exiled from Canada?

They were pro French in a British Canada.

Is Canada under British rule?

No. The French first settled there in 1605 followed by the British in 1763. In 1867 it became the Dominion of Canada. It is a member of the British Commonwealth. While Canada has the British Crowned Monarch as the head of state the Government of Canada is independent, autonomous and equal to the British Government, Australian Government or French Government.

When did Canada join the British empire?

The British took Canada from the French during the French and Indian War. The War was over in 1763. In 1867, The colonies of Canada (Ontario and Quebec) with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia became the Dominion of Canada.

What nationality were the first settlers in Canada?

British and French were the first settlers of Canada.

Why does Canada speak french when Canada is british?

Canada is predominantly an English-speaking country, based off its British heritage. About 22% of Canadians speak French and they are mostly based in Quebec. Quebec used to be a French colony while the rest of Canada was a British colony, and they eventually united to become Canada.Although Canada is predominantly an English country, it is officially recognized as being bilingual: French andEnglish to recognize the history that Canada was created from a French and English colony.

Who started hockey in Canada?

french or british soildiors

Who were the founding people in Canada?

Aborignal, British, French

Canada was explored and colonized by who?

Both the British and the French.