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Q: What were the causes and effect s of Spain's conquest in the Americas?
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The primary effect of Spain's seeking a western route to Asia was the discovery of the Americas and the eventual European conquest of them.

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the introduction of smallpox

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It didn't, just another conquest.

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How did European conquest effect the native people?

It resulted in the disappearance of the Inca and Maya Civilizations. Their conquest led to spreading of disease in the natives which killed 95% of the them.

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The Vietnam War was caused by the rise of a Communist government in south Asia. The effect was millions of American soldier deaths.

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The Egyptian conquest had an affect on the people of Kush in 1500 BC. The Kushites became more like the Egyptians in culture.

What effect did the crusades and the Christians conquest of Spain have on the way Muslims and Christians thought about each other?

First you have to get the question right... It should read the Muslim conquest of Spain.