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It initially began as a student demonstration, with a student delegation entering a radio station in an attempt to broadcast their demands. However, they were detained afterwards, which led up to demonstrators on the street outside of the radio station demanding their release whereupon they were fired upon by the State Security Police (AVH) and Soviet troops. After this impromptu councils took managed to take over control of Budapest from the Hungarian Working People's Party, disbanding the AVH, demanding political change and threatened to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact. From there things would eventually fall apart when the Soviet Military violently put down the rebellion on November 10 that same year.

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Hitler hated Russia so in an attempt to create world peace Japan blew up Hungary. The End

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Q: What were the causes of the Hungarian revolution?
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When did the Hungarian revolution began?

The Hungarian Revolution began in 1956 and ended that year as well.

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It made people Hungry. Problem?

Where did the Hungarian Revolution happen?

The Hungarian revolution happend becasue the soviets leader made a Pb&j and did not share any with the Hungarian leaders.

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How did the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 begin?

Russia tried to invade Hungary, this was the start

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On 10 November 1956 when it was crushed by the Soviet Union.

Who was Louis Kossuth?

The Hungarian statesman and orator Louis, or Lajos, Kossuth (1802-1894) was the foremost leader of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848-1849 and the symbol of Magyar nationalism.

How does Hungary today connect to the Hungarian revolution in 1956?

They have a memorial Day for it, 23rd of October, and there is the 1956 Memorial Square where is a 1956 Monument, which is the symbol of the people of the revolution. The symbol of the 1956 revolution is the Hungarian flag, with a hole in the middle of it, because during the communism there was a star in the middle of it wich was the symbol of the Soviet Union, the revolutionists cut it out.