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The colonialist Europeans took or stole millions and millions worth of gold and silver from the new world, mainly Mexico and South America. This huge amount of wealth robbed from the colonies impoverished Mexico and South America for five centuries. It brought the level of Europe up out the ignorance of the middle ages. It did raise their lives up like a winning lottery ticket. These white Europeans, who were ultra colonialists, prejudiced toward native peoples of America, lifted themselves on the backs of brown and black people.

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Q: What were the changes in Europe during the renaissance period?
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read your book and find out!

Did people smoke tobacco in medieval times?

No. During the medieval period of time, tobacco did not exist in Europe and was smoked only in North America for ceremonial purposes. Tobacco was not imported to Europe until the Renaissance period.

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the Renaissance

What was the predominant religion of the renaissance?

Predominantly Catholic but there were Protestants and Jews in Western Europe during this period as well.

What was money called during the Renaissance?

renaissance was a period in time in southern Europe. money at that time was called by many names in different parts of the world

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it is called the renaissance.

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The renaissance

What religions existed during the Renaissance period?

During the Renaissance period, there was a mix of religions in different regions of Europe, including Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, and Islam. The dominant religion in many parts of Europe was Catholicism, but there was also a growing influence of Protestantism, especially after the Protestant Reformation. Additionally, there were pockets of Jewish and Islamic communities in various parts of Europe.

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What was NOT a popular form during the Renaissance period?

Plain song was not a popular form during the Renaissance period.

Which was NOT a popular form during the Renaissance period?

Gregorian chants were not a popular form during the Renaissance period.