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They were much more methodical and widespread in WW2, as planes became more advanced in terms of payload delivery and range.

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Q: What were the differences between the bombing of cities during world wars 1 and 2?
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Name given by the british to the German bombing of towns and cities during the winter of 1939-1940 when there was no fighting between France and Germany?

The Blitz

Who was bombing London and other cities in England?

Germany during World War II

What advantage did carpet bombing have over conventional bombing on Germany?

The goal of carpet bombing during World War 2 was to try to weaken German morale and destroy cities which contained war industries. This technique was very effective on Germany and usually destroyed whole cities or large targets.

What does blitz mean world war 2?

The Blitz refers to German bombing raids on cities during WW2

How were American bombers used in both the European and Pacific Theatres during WW2?

Strategic bombing of cities and factories

What was the German bombing the British cities called?

The German air war against the British during WW II was called the the Battle of Britain. The German bombing of British cities was called The Blitz - short for Blitzkrieg (lightning strike).

Was there any Red Cross camps in eastern Norway for Norwegian children to escape bombing in the cities?

There were no such camps in Norway during the war, neither did Norway suffer from heavy bombing during ww2. Particulary the east suffered minimal damages, but the western-most had some problems with british bombing.

What two cities were destroied in world war 2?

Are you thinking of Nuclear Bombs? That would be Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Otherwise.., there were hundreds of cities 'destroyed' during WWII by conventional bombing as well.

Why were children moved out of the cities during World War 2?

Children were moved out of the cities during World War 2 as a precautionary measure to protect them from the dangers of bombing raids and other wartime hazards. The bombing campaigns targeted major cities, and it was believed that the countryside offered a safer environment for children to live in during the war. This evacuation effort was known as "Operation Pied Piper" in Britain.

How were American bombers used in both the European and Pacific Theatres during World War 2?

Strategic bombing campaign of cities and factories.

Why did The British Government decide to evacuate children from Britain's major cities in the early years of World War 2?

The Battle Britain - 1940 - All major cities were declared open cities by the NAZIS for bombing during this period.

What advantage did carpet bombing have over a conventional attack on Germany?

The goal of carpet bombing during World War 2 was to try to weaken German morale and destroy cities which contained war industries. This technique was very effective on Germany and usually destroyed whole cities or large targets.