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i think there was really no disadvantage of guerrilla warfare during the revolutionary war.

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Q: What were the disadvantages of guerrilla warfare during revolutionary war?
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When did francis Marion use the guerrilla warfare?

No. He (the Swamp Fox) just happen to use it during the American Revolution. EDIT: Actually Francis Marion was well known for his invention of guerrilla warfare

How can you use guerrilla warfare in a sentence?

Guerrilla warfare is basically hit and run under cover, so the Vietcong during the Vietnam war used guerrilla warfare to combat American soldiers. During the US Civil War, the Rebels also used guerrilla warfare.

Why was guerrilla warfare so successful against the Americans?

It wasn't that unique. Francis Marion (the Swamp Fox) was successful during the American Revolutionary War; Quantrill was successful during the American Civil War (US Civil War) two examples. Nearly all wars have had and will continue to have some sort of "guerrilla" warfare.

Why is francis Marion a hero?

Otherwise known as the Swamp Fox, Francis Marion was a guerrilla warfare tactician during the Revolutionary War that won many battles for the Americans.

What type of war did the south fight during the civil war?

guerrilla warfare

Did the US and Soviets have to deal with guerrila forces in Vietnam and afhganistan?

Yes, hit and run raids were part of both wars. However, guerrilla warfare is inherit to nearly all wars. Quantrill was a guerrilla leader against the North during the US Civil War; Francis Marion (the Swamp Fox) was a guerrilla against the Crown (Britain) during the American Revolutionary War. American Indians conducted guerrilla warfare against European expansion since the 1600s...and didn't end until 1890 (at Wounded Knee).

Who was known for swamp fox?

General Francis Marion served during the Revolutionary War. He was nicknamed the Swamp Fox for his leadership of revolutionary soldiers fighting in swamps and low country terrain. He is generally viewed as the father of Guerrilla Warfare.

Who was the most famous guerrilla fighter during the revolutionary war?

samul adams hancock master

What precedent of guerrilla warfare had already been set during the Civil War?

Juan Martin Diez

Who fought using guerrilla warfare?

The Viet Cong (North vietnam soldiers) during the Vietnamm War.

The US fight a guerrilla war with which country?

1. America fought a guerrilla action against the British during the Revolutionary War of 1776. 2. The US Civil War consisted of heavy guerrilla warfare activity; especially on the part of the Confederacy. 3. US forces conducted Guerrilla activity in the Pacific (and CBI Theater of Operations-China/Burma/India) against the Japanese. 4. US forces were engaged in guerrilla warfare during the 1950's and early 1960's in Indochina, to include South Vietnam, up until 1964; then breaking off into special operations (SF/SEALs) until the end of the war in 1975.

Why did guerrilla warfare anger the US troops Vietnam war?

For the same reasons it angered British troops when they fought Americans during the Revolutionary War (1775-1783); the British considered guerrilla warfare to be "dirty fighting", "sneaky fighting", "unfair", "un-gentlemanly", and "cowardly." Guerilla warfare, Submarine warfare, and military snipers all were considered: Dirty Fighting; Sneaky Fighting; Unfair; Ungentlemanly; and Cowardly. For the 21st century all of those "Dirty Forms of Warfare" are now considered the new wave of doing things (they are popular with today's generation of people).