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There were numerous economic effects from Cyclone Tracy. They included:

  • Huge loss of homes - the city had to be virtually rebuilt from scratch. There were enormous costs involved in rebuilding infrastructure and damaged buildings.
  • Reduced income for businesses affected by damage resulting from the cyclone.
  • Local businesses had building damage and lost some of their produce. This drove up prices of goods and supplies because they had to be brought in from further away, so the businesses had to pay more for transportation costs.
  • Many residents moved away permanently, never to return.
  • Many businesses closed down permanently, leading to unemployment.
Many organisations helped with the disaster, these included: National Disasters Organisation, Darwin's Emergency Service, RAAF, Qantas, TAA, Ansett Airways, RAF, RNZAF, US Airforce and Darwin's Reconstruction Committee. Medical teams helped with the sick and $250 million dollars was donated to Darwin for reconstruction. Other parts of Australia donated money, food, clothing, building materials, blankets and medical supplies.
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Q: What were the economic impacts of Cyclone Tracy?
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Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia.

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Cyclone Tracy started as a tropical storm out in the Arafura Sea.

What are facts about Cyclone Tracy?

cyclone Tracy was very serious and was in 1974. it hit on Christmas eve.

Why was cyclone Tracy so dangerous?

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How did Cyclone Tracy rotate?

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