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Q: What were the last two states to ratify the constitution after the new government had already began?
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Did John Jay ratify the Constitution?

No the Government of the United States did. He was the Supporter of the Federalists

How many states were needed to ratify the constitution and why?

9 states were needed to ratify the Constitution

What was a problem for the Federalists in 1788?

C. Many states we’re not ready to ratify the constitution.

Why did some states ratify the Constitution after it had already taken effect?

Some states ratified the US Constitution after it had already taken effect because they feared that the government could threaten their rights and freedoms. This ratification was done by adding the Bill of Rights which states the basic rights of all citizens within the country.

What were the two opposing sides to ratify the constitution?

The Federalists wished to ratify the constitution and give more power to a strong central federal government. Anti-Federalists wished to delegate more power to the states and did not wish to ratify the constitution without modification.

How many state were requiered to ratify the constitution?

it took 9 states to ratify the Constitution

How many states needed to ratify the constitution so it could become law?

The total of nine states had to approve the Constitution to make it "the law of the land."

How many states had to ratify the constitution to make it official?

9 out of the 13 states/colonies had to ratify the Constitution to make it official.

How many states had to ratify the Constitution according to Article VII?

Article VII stated that only 9 of the 13 states were required to ratify the Constitution before it went into effect. All 13 eventually did so, but North Carolina (1789) and Rhode Island (1790) did so after the new government had already begun operating.

Which were the last two states to ratify the new government had already begun to function?

Florida and georgia

How many states had to ratify the new plan of government in order for constitution to go into effort?

Three quarters of the States would need to ratify the result of a new Constitutional Convention.

What was the problem for the Federalists in 1788?

C. Many states we’re not ready to ratify the constitution.