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Q: What were the life prospects for indenture servants?
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Why were servants buried with the queen or king?

Servants were buried with a King and Queen so that they could tend to them in the After Life

What is the difference between the slave trade and slavery?

The difference is that an Indenture servant has agreed to a term of service in turn for the cost of getting to America or other terms. At the end of the term agreement the Indenture servant will be once again free and no longer required to be a servant. They would be able to hold land, a job and vote. Whereas a Slave will always be not free. Slaves are consider property and can not hold land and vote.Prior to the Civil War, slaves and indentured servants were considered personal property and could be sold (or left as property in a will). While the indenture usually lasted four-six years, if the indentured person did not abide by their Master's rules, their indenture could be extended.They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.Slaves are people who are the property of an owner, they are bought and sold as a commodity. They do the work assigned by their owners without pay until they die, are sold to another owner or are freed by their owner. Indentured servants are people who have traded their unpaid servitude for a specific period of time for some type of consideration, usually money or transport to the place where they will be working and housed. If the contract is legitimate, there is a point in time that the indentured servant will be free of the duty.

Did Rhode Island have indentured servants?

They did have indentured servants in Rhode Island. They would serve for 2-7 years, and then they would get a free piece of land. Indentured servants came to the colonies when they wanted to get away from their old life and get a new one.

Who is legally bound through indenture to a master craftsmen to learn a trade?


What happened to most indentured servants?

They were given basic supplies to start a new life.

Related questions

Discuss the abuse of indenture system?

Abuse of the indenture system included neglect and abuse of the servants, exploitation, servants running away, and pregnancy among female servants. The benefits of the indenture system include a period of servitude allowed them to learn the customs, culture, and language of America.

How long indenture servants work?

It varied, but could be as long as seven years.

Which country used large amounts of slaves for tobacco production in some American colonies but used indenture servants in others?


What people worked for wages for years to pay for transportation?

Indentured servants served periods of indenture to the "new world" to cover the cost of transportation.

Did owners of indentured servants pay there servants?

Yes, owners of indentured servants paid their servants in exchange for their labor, typically through the promise of land, tools, or other goods once the indenture was completed. The terms of payment and conditions of service were agreed upon in a contract between the owner and the servant.

What happened to most indentured servants after their term?

After completing their term of indenture, most servants received their freedom and a small plot of land or money to start a new life. However, many faced challenges such as high debts, limited opportunities, and social stigma. Some servants continued to work as laborers, while others tried to establish themselves as small farmers or artisans.

Could indentured servants marry?

Yes, indentured servants were allowed to marry. However, their marriage was subject to the approval of their owner, as it could potentially impact their work obligations and terms of the indenture contract. Marriage among indentured servants was relatively common in early American history.

What do you call a short-term service to pay off some manner of debt or to get to the new world?

It was an indenture. They were often indentured servants until the time their debt was paid off.

In what way was the life of an indentured servant different from that of a slave?

Indentured servants were contracted to work for a specific period of time in exchange for passage to a new country or other benefits, while slaves were considered property for life. Indentured servants could eventually gain their freedom and sometimes even acquire land or other opportunities, whereas slaves had no such prospects for independence. Additionally, indentured servants typically had legal rights and protections that slaves did not.

What happened to most indentured servants after their term of indenture ended?

After their term ended, many indentured servants faced challenges in finding stable work and accommodation. Some were able to secure land or a job, while others fell into poverty or continued to work as laborers. Some servants became tenants or moved to the frontier to start anew.

What is the meaning of indenture?

The abstract noun for indenture is the word indenture or indentureship. Indenture is the agreement or the contract for the servitude and indentureship is the term or length of the servitude.

What is the noun formation of indenture?

The word 'indenture' is a noun; a word for an agreement, contract, or document. Another noun form is 'indentureship'. The word 'indenture' is also a verb.