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Q: What were the long term consequences of the peace treaties of 1919-1923?
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What do treaties achieve?

You may be inclined to think that Treaties achieve nothing at all. They are only good for the day on which they are written. Treaties are not necessarily permanent. Treaties allow withdrawal or may forbid withdrawal. Parties may, and often do, violate treaties, so the party in question may be suspended or membership may be cancelled. Treaties may be re-negotiated. Historical Treaties have deprived Natives of their own land without compensation. . On the contrary however, some formal statements between two or more States, parties or even individuals, do allow for a success in peace, commerce and other international relations

How long did the 100 Years War last?

116 years (misleading name, I know). And technically it was a series of wars as there were hundreds of peace treaties that took place including a country called Burgundy changing sides.

What does brief period of peace mean?

It means that there peace but not for long

What is a long era of peace that began with Augustus?

It was the Pax Romana (the Roman peace).

What was the period of relative peace in Rome called?

The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.The almost 200 years of relative peace was called the Pax Romana.

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What were some long term effects of World War 1 projected by people in 1919?

Some long term effects was everyone that was in the war agreed to make peace and help rebuild what they destroyed. John Maynard Keynes in his book 'The Economic Consequences of the Peace', which appeared in October 1919 predicted roaring inflation in Germany (and Austria) and added that the peace treaties were likely to keep resentment against the allies alive.

How long did the 100s year last?

116 years (misleading name, I know). And technically it was a series of wars as there were hundreds of peace treaties that took place including a country called Burgundy changing sides.

What do treaties achieve?

You may be inclined to think that Treaties achieve nothing at all. They are only good for the day on which they are written. Treaties are not necessarily permanent. Treaties allow withdrawal or may forbid withdrawal. Parties may, and often do, violate treaties, so the party in question may be suspended or membership may be cancelled. Treaties may be re-negotiated. Historical Treaties have deprived Natives of their own land without compensation. . On the contrary however, some formal statements between two or more States, parties or even individuals, do allow for a success in peace, commerce and other international relations

What do Indian pipes look like?

A Native American "peace pipe" or calumet is made from a long reed or hollow cane. They are sometimes decorated with feathers and beads and were used to seal treaties and used for other ceremonial purposes.

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How long did the 100 Years War last?

116 years (misleading name, I know). And technically it was a series of wars as there were hundreds of peace treaties that took place including a country called Burgundy changing sides.

What were the effects of the Paris Peace Conference?

The 1919-20 conference that drew up the peace treaties following the First World War. A second Paris Peace Conference in 1946 drafted the peace treaties (signed the following February) between the Allies and Italy, Finland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria following the Second World War.

Is peace a long vowel?

No, "peace" does not have a long vowel. The "ea" in "peace" makes a diphthong sound rather than a long vowel sound.

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There are many long term consequences. Global warming, floods etc are some of the examples.

How many years long did World War I last?

World War 1 lasted for about 4 years and 3 months. WW1 started in August of 1914 and ended in November of 1918, however, the last peace treaties were not signed until 1923.

How do old Capulet and old montage respond to the fighting?

Old Capulet and Montague are shocked and remorseful about the fighting between their families. They realize the tragic consequences of their long-standing feud and agree to make peace in the end.

How can war bring peace?

War may bring temporary peace by subduing the opponent, but it often leads to long-term consequences such as destruction, loss of life, and ongoing conflict. Genuine and lasting peace is usually achieved through diplomacy, negotiation, and reconciliation between conflicting parties. War should be a last resort, as the cost is usually too high.