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Q: What were the most important contributions enslaved Africans made to American culture?
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Related questions

How was family important to enslaved africans?

The Family was important to enslaved Africans because they helped them survive brutality of slavery. they gave them hope and encouragement.

How is the family important to enslaved Africans?

It hurts the African Americans.

Why were enslaved africans brought to cuba?

Enslaved Africans were brought to Cuba to be sold to American plantation owners. These plantation owners would use the slaves to farm their land.

Why were enslaved west africans important to South Carolina?

l;p ,'

Why were enslaved west Africans important South Carolina?

l;p ,'

Why were songs sung by enslaved Africans important to their culture?

connected them to their homeland.

What important knowledge did the enslaved Africans bring to south Carolina?

Close Ties and Christianity.

What was the most important element of African trade with Europeans in the 1500's?

themselves, enslaved africans.

Why was the west indies important to the workings of the triangular trade?

the enslaved africans would be taken to the colonies

How did enslaved africans keep africans history and culture alive?

Enslaved Africans kept African history and culture alive by telling stories.

What does enslaved Africans mean?

Enslaved Africans refers to individuals from Africa who were captured, forced into slavery, and transported to work under brutal conditions in the Americas. This practice was prevalent during the transatlantic slave trade, where millions of Africans were forcibly brought to the New World to provide labor in industries such as agriculture and mining.

Why did woman and enslaved Africans question their position in war?

Why did woman and enslaved Africans question their position in war? Some enslaved Africans were women. Which war? What position are you referring to? The question is pretty vague.