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There aren't canals on Mars, so I don't know what you're talking about when you mention experiments to "confirm" them.

Giovanni Schiaparelli (thought he) saw dark bands on Mars and called them canali, which in Italian means "channels" (as in river channels). That was mistranslated into English as "canals", a related word, but one which implies that they were artificially constructed.

It turns out they weren't anything at all. The telescopes of the time weren't good enough to permit seeing much of anything on Mars (it's bigger than the Moon, but it's also MUCH further away), and Schiaparellis' canali turned out, once we got better pictures of Mars, to be optical illusions.

Even at the time, not all astronomers agreed that the canaliactually existed, and even those that did generally drew maps different greatly in detail from those drawn by Schiaparelli.. E.E. Barnard (after whom "Barnard's Star" is named didn't see them at all, and other researches performed experiments designed to show how, given poor seeing conditions, random dark spots could appear to link up and form lines.

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Q: What were the observations that lead to Lowell's hypothesis and experiments used to confirm there were canals on mars?
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