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Q: What were the paintings like in the renaissance time?
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In what way did Northern renaissance paintings differ from Italian renaissance paintings?


What are some creative ideas for a Renaissance project?

Some ideas are: You could dress up as you were from the Renaissance and act like you were from that time period. If you are artistic, you could paint or draw a picture in the style of Renaissance paintings. You could make a collage of Renaissance items and styles.

How is the Renaissance painting different from older paintings?

looks more life-like.

In what what did early northern renaissance paintings differ from Italian renaissance paintings?

Size They were done on a smaller scale

What way did early Northerner renaissance paintings differ from Italian renaissance paintings?

Size They were done on a smaller scale

How do renaissance and medieval paintings of religious subject differ?

Renaissance paintings show figures in earthly settings; figures in medieval paintings have heavenly gold backgrounds.

How did Raphael sanzio influence the Renaissance?

He influenced the Renaissance by his awesome paintings.

In contrast with medieval paintings renaissance paintings are less likely to emphasize what?

religious themes

What happened when Renaissance artists using perspective in their paintings?

It allowed for more realistic paintings.

In contrast to medieval paintings renaissance paintings are less likely to emphasize what?

religious themes

What new technique did artists use during renaissance what did it do?

Renaissance artists used value and perspective to make their paintings look more realistic and dynamic and life like

What was Leonardo's style like?

We call it Italian High Renaissance. Click the link below and you can see all his paintings!