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they had to take out the garbage every day

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Q: What were the responsibilities given to the kids in Hitler Youth?
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What was the name of Hitler's group for kids?

Hitler youth.

Did any kids disagree with Adolph Hitler in Adolph Hitler youth?

I'm sure that there was a mix in the group of children, but their officers told the kids to tell them if their parents complained about Hitler Youth

What was the name for Hitlers group for kids?

Hitler Youth

When did it become a law that kids had to go to hitler youth?

In 1936, it became all but compulsory to join the Hitler Youth. Youths could avoid doing any active service if they paid their subscription but this became all but impossible after 1939.

How did the Nazi Party in control young people?

Hitler made younger people feel supiorer to others. When Hitler made the Hitler Youth program kids and yound adults were able to wear there uniforms in school, they were also allowed to pick on other children not allowed among their ranks. Once the kids were at least 16 they took charge of small towns with there "Youth Groups".

Did adolf Hitler had any kids?

No, Hitler had no kids.

When did the Hitler Youth organization start?

The Hitler Youth group started in 1922, and although the name and the purpose of the group seemed to change a lot, the movement lasted until 1945. Here is a link to the (very interesting) wikipedia article for further reading: Apparently, at some points in the movement, 10 year olds were drafted into the Hitler Youth... and toward the end of the war, the Hitler Youth were very involved in defensive battles. Toward the bottom of the article, there are some pictures of Nazi Youth who were prisoners of war... one aged thirteen.

Did all of Germany support the Nazis?

No. Some Germans were against the Nazis beliefs, such as sending their kids off to join the Hitler Youth, but had little power to change it.

Was membership of the Hitler youth movement voluntary or compulsory?

It was voluntary in idea but trust me most of the kids felt compelled after being brain washed in school and elsewhere.

Did adolf hiter liked kidsin would war 2?

Adolf Hitler was attached to kids. There are many films in which is he smiling and hugging little kids. He rallied the youth to worship and serve him however. He had them brainwashed and they died for him. The kids loved him. Sad.

How old were Adolf Hitler's kids when he died?

Hitler didn't have kids.

How did Hitlers kids die?

Hitler had no kids.