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Q: What were the responsibilities in the Church for each of the types of clergy?
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CAN Baptist ministers give communion?

Communion or the Lord's Supper is a sacrament of the church and each church has its own guidelines for who can administer the Lord's Supper.At my baptist church any ordained lay or clergy can give the communion.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) has a lay clergy - meaning that there are no professional or paid preachers. Church members are expected to serve each other by sharing the responsibilities of teaching and preaching. They support their families with regular employment, and provide their service to the church for free. The highest leaders in the church - the 'General Authorities'- are called to serve the church full-time, and therefore cannot maintain regular employment. They do not recieve a salary, but they recieve their necessities from the church. Generally this includes a church-owned apartment and vehicle, a 'living allowance' to purchase food and clothing, and medical care.

Who makes up the ordained members of the Church?

You need to be more specific. Which religion? Each religion has its own leaders and many vary on what they consider ordination (with some having different levels). Which religion/denomination were you asking about?

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The term "presbyterian" comes from the Greek word meaning "elder." The Presbyterian church is ruled, not by a hierarchy of clergy, but by elected elders from within the members of each congregation.

Who are the people that work in a church?

People who work in a church may include clergy members (such as priests, pastors, or ministers), administrative staff, musicians, volunteers, educators, and caretakers. Each person contributes to the smooth operation and spiritual guidance of the church community.

Is there a law that President Obama can appoint clergy?

No, there is no such law. America has a separation of church and state, which means religion and government are not supposed to mix. Of course, presidents can express their views about religious issues, (and clergy can express theirs about political issues) but it would be unconstitutional for any president, Mr. Obama included, to appoint members of the clergy. Each religion is responsible for that duty, and the government stays out of it.

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What composes the church?

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Why was the education so important to the puritans?

It was important to the Puritains to learn how to read The Bible and learn how to write. The Puritans believed that the individual should not be dependant on clergy, see Catholic Church at time, for knowledge of the Bible's content. Each person should read it for themselves, study it themselves...

What is a church conference?

There are two that I can think of that are essential to the well being of the church. The first is a Clergies Conference, this is when the clergy responsible for certain areas where the church is located. They meet with the hierarchy of the church to discuss the welfare of the church. The second is a conference where the clergy and the lay members meet so that the lay members may receive instruction on religious matters. This instruction may be about loving ones neighbour or keeping the Sabbath Day holy. It may also include the sustaining of certain members to positions within the church.

What is civil responsibilities?

civil responsibilities are the obligations which each citizen has to the nation Leslie and erika rocks