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Q: What were the roles of nobles in the Aztec empire?
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What were roles of nobles in Aztec society?

They had about the same role as modern millionaires.

What was one difference between the roles of nobles and commoners in Aztec society?

Nobles were able to choose a new king, while commoners were not.

How did the Aztec rule their empire?

they were ruled by a class of nobles made up of priests and military leaders.

What key roles did many trusted nobles perform for the aztec emperors?

They were tax collectors and judges.

What were most of the people in the Aztec empire?

Most of the people in the Aztec empire were commoners, working as farmers, artisans, or traders. A significant portion of the population were also slaves who performed various tasks for their Aztec masters. The upper elite consisted of nobles, priests, and government officials.

What empire Tenochtitlan as its capital?

the aztec empire

How did nobles play a role in the Aztec government?

Nobles belonged to families descended from the first Aztec king. Nobles owned slaves and many were government officials.

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Which Aztec people wear Aztec necklace?

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What did Mayan nobles do?

Aztec nobles were believed to be the only method of communication to the gods of Aztec Mythology. Sort of like priests. The populace wanted to please the gods so the people who could speak to them were very important

What were the 2 kinds of Aztec schools?

The two kinds of Aztec schools were calmecac, which provided education for nobles and future leaders, and telpochcalli, which offered training for commoners and warriors. Each school focused on different aspects of Aztec society and had specific roles in preparing individuals for their future roles.