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Q: What were the social effects of the universal declaration of human rights 1948?
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What does article 28 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights mean?

It means that everyone has the right to have a social life and to have international order and freedom.

In what year did the Republic of Suriname ratify the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

On December 10, 1948 the Netherlands, which included its plantation colony of Suriname, joined 47 other countries in ratifying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.The International Bill of Human Rights consists of [1] the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; [2] the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; and [3] the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two Optional Protocols.Suriname became independent from the Netherlands on November 25, 1975. As an independent country, Suriname ratified both of the International Covenants in 1976.

What important political document came out of the french revolution a.The Bill of Rights. b.The Leviathan. c.The Social Contract Agreement. d.The Declaration of the Rights of Man.?

the answer is d. The Declaration of the Rights of Man

Which documents expressed the complaints of supporters of women's rights?

declaration of sentiment - the document states the social injustice in women's rights

Which concept is central both to the Declaration of Independence and to Social Contract Theory?

The concept of natural rights is central to the Declaration of Independence and Social Contract Theory. This concept means that every person is born with certain rights that are not governed by law and can never be taken away.

Which was not one of the rights from the declaration of the rights of man and citizens?

Social distinctions is not found in the deceleration of the rights of man of the citizen.

The natural rights philosopher who had the greatest influence on the Declaration of Independence with his Social Contract Theory was?

John Locke

How did the UN further democracy?

the most important UN contribution is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it sets a worldwide standard for basic social, political, and economic rights. included are the right to life, liberty, and security. also stated are the rights to equal protection under the law, free movement, and free association and assembly with other people. social and economic rights were also added.

How does the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen reflect the social and political values of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man reflected the social and political values of the 18th century because it seeks liberty and equality for all people. It says man has the power and the right to chose their government.

Locke's conception of inalienable rights and the legitimacy of the social contract found its most explicit statement in?

the Declaration of Independence

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized?


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They use the language of the Declaration of Independence in their arguments.