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United States Bill of Rights ~ see related link below .

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Q: What were the ten new laws added to the constitution?
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Ruler of Athens who gave city a new constitution?

Solan was the ruler of Athens who gave the city a new constitution. Solan had people swear to obey the laws of the new constitution for ten years.

Why the first ten amendments were added to the Constitution?

The first ten amendments were added to the Constitution because the Antifederalists didn't trust the government and didn't think they would give them rights! Basically, the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists.

What was added to the US constitution in 1791 to protect peoples rights?

In the US, the US Constitution sets the rules for protecting citizen rights. State constitutions do the same with regard to state laws and their effect on citizens. Individual local laws are designed to protect citizen rights as well.

What were the first ten amendments that were added to the constitution?

The Bill of Rights.

How many amendments were added to the Constitution by the end of 1789?


Why were the first ten amendments to the constitution?

The first ten amendments were added to the Constitution because the Antifederalists didn't trust the government and didn't think they would give them rights! Basically, the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists.

Did Article 1 of the constitution come before or after the Bill of Rights?

The Constitution itself was ratified in 1787. The Bill of Rights, the 1st ten amendments to the Constitution, was added to the Constitution in 1789.

What was finally added to the constitution to make all 13 states ratify?

The Bill of Rights (ie the first ten ammendments to The Constitution)

The first ten amendments were quickly added to the newly ratified Constitution to?

They are known as the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution to guarantee American Citizens their natural born rights.

Why does the US have Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments which were all added to sway the opinions of more Antifederalists to sign the Constitution. The Constitution needed only ten amendments initially to have enough supporters to be ratified.

When were the amendments in the Bill of Rights added?

the Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments, and they were added to the Constitution almost simultaneously in 1791.

How many comendments are there in the US Constitution?

There are 27 amendments in the US Constitution.