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The Weimar Republic is what the government in Germany was called from 1918 to 1933.

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Q: What were the three political that made up the Weimar Republic?
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How did the weimar republic work?

The Weimar was a democratic government put in place after the kaiser abdicated. It ruled by popular vote, however it did not rule effectively. And that made it made Hitler's ascent to power easier.

Even though the weimar republic was a democracy why did the Germans still hate it?

The Weimar Republic was a thoroughly impotent democracy and a symbol of German humiliation as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. Its inability to improve the German economy and the lives of German citizens, made Germans resentful towards it.

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In the prime years of the Roman Republic, a case can be made for the Senate making most of the political decisions.

Who used the poison gas?

The nazi's did not use poison gas that was the German Republic or Weimar Republic during world war one nazi's were a political "group" [party] made by peopl who for all we know they could've been best friends with himlar nazi's were behind world war two

What political idea made Rome a republic?

it made it because it was ruled by a penis leader

Why was it easier for extreme political groups to rise to power in Germany?

Extreme political groups were able to rise to power in Germany due to economic instability, social unrest, and the humiliation caused by World War I and the Treaty of Versailles. The political chaos provided an opportunity for these groups to gain support by exploiting people’s fears and frustrations. Additionally, the weakness of the Weimar Republic and the lack of strong political leadership made it easier for extremist ideologies to take hold.

Why did early American political theorists prefer the concept of a republic over a democracy?

The sheer enormity of having a vote every time a decision would need to be made was a big factor in going with a republic.

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The three groups that made up the south political leaders were Scalawags-white Southerners,Carpetbaggers . and African Americans eager.

What group made up South's political leaders?

The three groups that made up the south political leaders were Scalawags-white Southerners,Carpetbaggers . and African Americans eager.

What was Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution?

Article 48 of the Weimar constitution allowed the president to rule by decree at times of an emergency and gave the president the right to override the Reichstag and provide leadership "above party".Article 48 of the Weimar constitution made provision for rule by decree in an emergency.

What was the overall condition of Germany under the Weimar Republic?

Under the Weimar Republic in Germany in the 1920's and early 1930's, Germany was still a "world power" in a manner of speaking, but by far the weakest and most troubled major nation. The German people were dissatisfied by the postwar territorial and economic arrangements set forth by the Treaty of Versailles. Germany's economy was burdened by the requirement to pay war reparations, and it's military was under strict controls to not number over 100,000 troops. Germany also had to have territorial changes made that benefited France and Poland. Inflation ran unchecked in the 1920's as well. Although overall conditions improved by the late 1920's, this was short lived. This was due to the financial and commercial crises of 1929 to 1933. This was devastating to the unstable economy and much of the blame was placed on the "democracy" of the Weimar Republic.

Who ruled Germany after ww1?

Initially there was some chaos, as Germany went through a revolution- there was a huge military mutiny going on, the Kaiser fled, and no new government had formed. Not only that, Communists were trying to take control of the country, as had happened in Russia about a year earlier. This resulted in bloody street battles between the Communists and right-wing militias called "Freikorps". However, some officials from the Kaiser's old regime met in the city of Weimar and created a republic, which would be called the Weimar Republic. The Republic had elected leaders, and their system worked pretty similar to how the British system works- except instead of having a Queen, Germany had a "President" who was the symbolic leader of the country; the person who runs the government was called "Chancellor", and still is to this day. The Weimar Republic was Germany's first attempt at democracy, and was immediately met with problems. Their system of government needed political parties to work together to get things done; however, there were many parties and they often refused to work together. Eventually things got so bad that President Hindenburg had to use his special emergency powers to issue executive orders, which forced the government to do things it needed to do. This was very undemocratic though, and made the Republic look very weak. Economic problems, especially those caused by the result of World War I and then the Great Depression, further exacerbated this weakness. The Republic lasted until Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party were able to take control and wipe away any sense of "democracy". By 1935, the Weimar Republic had virtually ceased to exist, replaced by Hitler's dictatorial "Third Reich".