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Q: What were the three reasons that europeans were able to begin exploring in the 1400s?
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What motivated Europeans to begin exploring in the 1400s?

To find a sea route to the spices of Asia To find gold, silver, and precious stones. To expand their knowledge of the world.

What led the Europeans to begin exploring in the 1400?

Riches, Knowledge, and power.

What type of Portuguese ship made it easier for Europeans to begin exploring?

the caravel

Why was the carvel an important development in navigation?

Europeans could begin exploring the world

Why did the Porugese begin exploring West Africa in the 1400s?

The Portuguese has many reasons for exploring West Africa in the 1400s. They wanted to know to what extent Muslim territories extended into Africa itself. They also wished to trade with West Africa directly through sea ports. Their hopes were also to find allies in the area and to see if it was a possibility to reach the Indies so that they could trade spices.

What technology made it possible for Europeans to begin exploring overseas?

The ship, sail and compass

What conditions let Europeans to begin exploring the Unknown in the 1400?

I do not know look in a book

Why did the Europeans begin exploring in the 1400s?

Mankind has a natural curiosity and desire to explore and colonise new territories, it is what drove early man to inhabit the planet in prehistoric times. However in the 1400s the technology of sailing ships and conflict for territory in Europe spurred a new age of exploration.

Why did Europeans begin exploring other lands?

Faster trade routes and to expand there territories! The explorers did it for favor of the crown among other benefits.

Why did Europeans begin exploring?

during the 16th century, Europe was looking for a trade roe to India..... also over crowded and too many blacks

When did rifling barrels begin?

In the mid 1400s

What did Europe begin in the mid-1400s?

Magic mermaids