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Gregor Mendel worked on following 7 triats in pea plant

1. Plant height- Tall (dominant) or short (recessive)

2. Seed shape- round (dominant) or wrinkled (recessive)

3. Pod colour- Green (dominant) or yellow (recessive)

4. Pod shape- Inflated (dominant) or constricted between seeds (recessive)

5. Flower position- Terminal or axial

6. Seed colour- gray or white

7. Pea colour- green or yellow
# The round or roundish form of the seed with or without shallow depressions. # The yellow coloring of the seed albumen. # The gray, gray-brown, or leather brown color of the seed-coat, in association with violet-red blossoms and reddish spots in the leaf axils. # The simply inflated form of the pod. # The green coloring of the unripe pod in association with the same color of the stems, the leaf-veins and the calyx. # The distribution of the flowers along the stem. # The greater length of stem.
Pea Texture, Plant Hight, Flower Color, Flower Position, Pod Color, Pea Color, and Pea Shape

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Q: What were the traits that Gregor Mendel studied?
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Gregor Mendel is studied in this course because he?

did research on dominant and recessive traits.

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Gregor Mendel

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Gregor Mendel was a biologist who studied the inheritance of traits. His laws for this inheritance are combined in Mendelian inheritance, which states that some alleles are dominant and as such some traits are dominant.

Gregor Mendel is studied because he what?

Gregor Mendel is studied because he used to pea plants to discover gene inheritance.

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Mendel studied plant inheritance.

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He studied the inheritance of relatively simple, easily detected traits.

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Physical traits

What did Gregor Mendel study from 1853 to 1884?

Mendel studied sweet peas. He studied the inheriance of certain traits in pea plants. His studies of the passing of certain traits formed the basis for our understanding of dominant and recessive genes in plants and animals.

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Gregor Johann Mendel: see The Mendelevian Genetics of Inheritance.

Who was a monk that studied pea plants?

Gregor Mendel

What plants did Gregor Mendel study in order to learn about how traits are inherited?

Fill in the blanks to complete the passage. The Austrian monk and scientist Gregor studied the traits of pea plants. He could see that pea plant traits were passed from parents to offspring in a process called .