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Q: What were the two Germanic tribes that invaded Britain around 450 and then began to settle?
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What rolevdid Rome's internal problems play in its conquest by foreign invaders?

When the Germanic peoples invaded the western part of the Roman Empire the Romans lost political cohesion and were unable to respond to them. There were usurpations and a lot of infighting. Facing recruitment shortages, the Roman army had come to rely on Germanic mercenaries and of Germanic allies. Lands of the empire were also taken over by the Visigoths and the Franks, two Germanic allies who had been allowed to settle in parts of the empire. There were Germanic military commanders who established puppet emperors and held the actual power. Both the Germanic allies and the invaders came to play a part in the politics of the empire, causing further fragmentation.

Where did the Romans settle into Britain?

i hate fayez

Why Germans invade Rome?

It was not the Germans and they did not invade Rome. It was the Germanic peoples. They spoke various Germanic languages. Germanic is a language group which nowadays comprises German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and English. Thus these peoples were the ancestors of the people who now speak these languages. The did not invade Rome. They invaded the western part of the Roman Empire. They were migratory peoples who were in search of new lands to settle. They were the Vandals, Sueves, Alans, Alemanni, Burgundians, Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Frisians. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions.

What is the connection between the barbarians and the western roman empire?

The relevance of the Germanic barbarians was that they invaded the western part of the Roman Empire, took over most of its lands and carved it up, each forming their own kingdom. Therefore, their actions led to the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire. Barbarian was a word the Romans borrowed from the Greeks. It basically means foreigners and had the derogatory tone of uncivilised. It expressed the view that foreigners were uncivilised. To the Romans the barbarians were all the people who lived outside the Roman Empire. The barbarians who were relevant the western part of the Roman Empire were the Germanic peoples who lived north of the Roman Empire and two Germanic peoples who had been allowed to settle in parts of the Roman Empire by the Romans (the Franks and the Visigoths). Two Germanic peoples, the Vandals and the Sueves, and an Iranian-speaking people, the Alans, invaded Gaul, which was part of the western part of the Roman Empire. They then moved to Spain and north-western Africa. Spain was, in turn taken over by the Visigoths who moved from the eastern part of the Roman Empire, where they had been allowed to settle, to south-western France and then to Spain. Another Germanic people, the Burgundians, settled in eastern France and another one took over north-eastern France and Switzerland. The Franks expanded from their base in Holland south of the River Rhine and Belgium, where they had been allowed to settle into northern and central France. The angles and the Saxons from northern Germany and the Frisians from northern Holland migrate to Britain in waves and eventually took over this island. Eventually, the Germanic barbarians took over the lands of the western part of the Roman empire and former their own kingdoms in tis former lands.

What tribes were the first to settle in Britain?

we think it was the Romans we are not entirely sure

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Several Germanic tribes invaded the western part of the Roman Empire to migrate in search of new lands to settle. The Romans were not able to repel these invasions. This started the process of the fall of this part of the empire. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.

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How did the migration of Germanic tribes contribute to the fall of the roman empire?

Several Germanic tribes invaded the western part of the Roman Empire to migrate in search of new lands to settle. The Romans were not able to repel these invasions. This started the process of the fall of this part of the empire. The eastern part of the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.

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The Gauls

What rolevdid Rome's internal problems play in its conquest by foreign invaders?

When the Germanic peoples invaded the western part of the Roman Empire the Romans lost political cohesion and were unable to respond to them. There were usurpations and a lot of infighting. Facing recruitment shortages, the Roman army had come to rely on Germanic mercenaries and of Germanic allies. Lands of the empire were also taken over by the Visigoths and the Franks, two Germanic allies who had been allowed to settle in parts of the empire. There were Germanic military commanders who established puppet emperors and held the actual power. Both the Germanic allies and the invaders came to play a part in the politics of the empire, causing further fragmentation.

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Where did the Romans settle into Britain?

i hate fayez

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Irish people settled all around Britain, so in just about every part of it. Irish people and people of Irish ancestry can be found in any major town or city in Britain.

Why did the Romans invade Germany?

They were in search of a warmer climate and better grazing land for their cattlePursuing booty and then new land to settle on.