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  • One vote for each State, regardless of size.
  • Congress powerless to lay and collect taxes or duties.
  • Congress powerless to regulate foreign and interstate commerce.
  • No executive to enforce acts of Congress.
  • No national court system.
  • Amendment only with consent of all States.
  • A 9/13 majority required to pass laws.
  • Articles only a "firm league of friendship."
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14y ago
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10y ago

The federal government under the Articles of Confederation did not have much direct power over the states. It could not directly tax any commerce, or regulate trade, and did not have a provision for a national army. There was also no chief executive.

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14y ago

Drafted during the years 1776 and 1777, while the colonists were still fighting for independence, the Articles of Confederation created a weak national government with most of the governmental powers retained by the states. The Articles provided no separation of branches. There was no president or any other independent executive, nor was there a federal judicial branch. Congress, the legislature, was the only branch of government. Laws required unanimous votes. Members elected to congress did not vote as individuals, but as states. While congress did have some powers, it could not enforce its laws on the states or the people. States were permitted to coin their own money. There was no regulation of commerce between the states and states could even enter into treaties with foreign nations and declare war, "with the consent of Congress." Congress could not tax the states or the people, it could only request funds to run the government.

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13y ago

1. The 13 states wanted the Congress to have limited powers

thats one, i cant remember the other two, its been years.

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Q: What were the weaknesses of the US government under the articles of confederation?
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FOUR weaknesses of the national government under the Articles of Confederation?


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That would be the government as it existed under the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation had many weaknesses, most of which were addressed in the later US Constitution.

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What was the crucial weaknesses of the American government under the articles of Confederation?

it lacked any real power over the states.

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exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation

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13 tax and trade system.

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Shay's rebellion was during the time the States were under the Articles of Confederation the Federal Government was not existent until the Constitution.

What were the weaknesses of the us under the articles of confederation?

The federal government under the Articles of Confederation did not have much direct power over the states. It could not directly tax any commerce, or regulate trade, and did not have a provision for a national army. There was also no chief executive.

What was a problem for the national government under the articles of confederation was?

Under the Articles of Confederation Congress depended on donations from the states to operate which caused problems for the national government.

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articles of confederation

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