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[2000-1000BC] - The Bronze age, Rome is a small settlement in Latium

[ca. 1200-900BC] - Proto-Villanovan era, this era most likely marks the arrival of the Etruscans from Asia Minor, cremation can be observed in Italy at this time

[1000-580BC] - Iron age/Villanovan era, broken down into 4 parts

[1000-875BC] - Latial I, final section of bronze age, not much known

[875-750BC] - Latial II, little wealth and no distinct social classes

[750-700BC] - Latial III, settlements get bigger, economic advancement and specialization, wealth distinction, pottery making

[700-580BC] - Latial IV, also known as the orientalizing period because of all the imports from the East, there was a great increase in wealth and this was a period of great urbanization

[750BC] is said to be date for the foundation of the kingdom by Romulus and Remus

[509 or 507BC] is the date for the fall of the monarchy/end of the kingdom

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Q: What were the years of the roman kingdom?
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Charlemagne lived in the Kingdom of the Franks, of which he became king. In 800, he was crowned as Emperor of the Roman People, which was a title that had very little to do with the Roman Empire aside from the name. His empire is now called the Carolingian Empire; it divided some years after he died into the Kingdom of France and what came to be called the Holy Roman Empire, or Germany. Charlemagne's Empire was the largest in Western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire.

Who lived in the kingdom when the Roman empire was there?

Juius Ceasar

What was one major result of the fall of the roman empire?

The areas of the western part of the Roman Empire was divided into kingdoms by its invaders: the Kingdom of the Vandals in Tunisia and western Algeria, the Kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain and Portugal, The Kingdom of the Burgundians in eastern France and the kingdom of the Franks in the rest of France.

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The old lasted for 94 years the middle lasted for 405 years and the new lasted for 530 years

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The Roman Republic lasted 482 years.

What Two immediate results of the fall of the roman empire?

With the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire, its former lands split into kingdoms of the Germanic invaders and former Germanic allies of the Romans: the kingdom of the Franks in Gaul, the kingdom of the Visigoths in Spain and Portugal, the kingdom of the Sueves in north-western Spain, the kingdom of the Vandals in Tunisia and western Algeria and the kingdom of the Ostrogoths in Italy and the former Yugoslavia. All of these peoples, apart from the Franks who were pagans, followed the Arian doctrine of Christianity. All oft hem, except for the Ostrogoths, converted to Catholicism. There was a decline in trade and in urbanisation. The eastern part of the the Roman Empire was not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years.

Why the Roman empire declined?

Because the emporers frivolously ruled their kingdom.

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