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Q: What were three major achievements of Maya civilization and WHY were they major?
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What are the four major civilization?

The Maya, Inca, Aztecs, and the Mesopotamians.

What three rivers did the human civilization did they along to?

its the Maya Aztec and the California

Why have Maya ruins been so important in learning about their culture?

Maya ruins are important because they provide physical evidence of Maya civilization, offering insights into their architectural achievements, social organization, religious beliefs, and daily life. The ruins help researchers piece together the history and culture of the Maya people, allowing for a better understanding of their way of life and achievements.

Were Maya a civilization?

yes it was an civilization

What was the second major Latin American civilization?

If you mean: before the Conquistadores wiped them out, it was the Maya and the Inca civilization.

What was a major native American civilization in north America before 1400?

Iroquois Nations Hopi Nation Navajo Nation Anasazi Civilization Maya Civilization Aztec Civilization Northwest Coast/Salish/Tlingit/Kwakiutl Civilization

Maya stelae are a type of?

Maya stelae are a type of stone monument created by the ancient Maya civilization. They typically feature intricate carvings and inscriptions that record historical events, genealogies, and achievements of Maya rulers. Stelae were often placed in prominent locations within Maya cities as a form of public display and commemoration.

Which civilization is better to live in Incan Aztecs or Maya?

Each civilization had its own unique characteristics and advantages, so it ultimately depends on personal preferences. The Inca Empire had a well-organized infrastructure and advanced planning capabilities, while the Aztecs had a sophisticated social structure and rich cultural traditions. The Maya civilization was known for their achievements in astronomy, mathematics, and art.

What civilization was responsible for building angkor what?

Maya civilization

Can i see the civilization Maya?

no you can not

Who had the largest civilization?
