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Q: What were two innovations developed during the golden age of Athens on Greece?
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What was the capital of Greece in the 1870s?

The Kingdom of Greece, which operated from 1832-1924, had its capital in Athens during the 1870s.

Where did Socrates live when he was small?

Socrates was born in Athens, Greece and spent much of his life there. He lived in Athens during his childhood and early adulthood, and later became a prominent figure in the city's philosophical and political circles.

Where was the first known democracy?

Democracy was first practiced in Athens, Greece. It started there at around the 7th century BCE. Proto democracy was started in ancient India during the independent republics.

Where and when was Plato born?

Plato, the classical Greek philosopher born in the year 427 BC in Athens, Greece.

In Ancient Greece what was the capital of Attica?

Athens. However, it is worth noting that during the Era of Ancient Greece, the city-states were not united in anything other than local alliances. As a result, Athens was only the capital of the Attica region.

What was the name of the Olympic stadium used during the first Olympics during the modern era?

Panathenaic Stadium in Athens, Greece in 1896.

Was Athens the only democracy of its time?

No, many other democracies evolved, particularly in the Delian League which Athens led.

Where did sophocles live?

Sophocles was a famous Greek playwright who was born in Attica in rural Greece and later moved to Greece's capital city of Athens.

How many men and women were in the 2004 Olympics?

10,625 athletes competed during the events held in Athens, Greece.