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Q: What were two positive aspects of the segway?
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the positive aspects of an extended famly is have more attention

What is a segway tour?

A segway tour is a course, usually around an unfamiliar area, in where instead of walking or taking vehicles such as busses or cars, one would take a Segway. Guided Segway tours are segways tours that explain what is going on in your surroundings. A Segway is a two-wheeled vehicle in which you stand on and balance your body forward or backward to accelerate or decelerate and twist the handle to angle yourself.

What is the name of that two wheeled stand up motorized cart?

A segway

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What are those two wheeled things that the mall cops ride?


What are the positive and negative aspects of drama?

One of the positive aspects of drama is that it gives impressions immediately

Did the founder of the segway die on a segway?

No... he is still alive

What are the positive aspects of tradition?

The positive aspects of tradition is that you can keep old ties of culture and family near to you.

How do you spell segway?

The proper noun Segway is a maker of a two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle (PT for Personal Transportation).If you are referring to "a smooth transition" the word you are looking for is segue.

What are at least two positive and two negative aspects of being an incumbent?

Positive aspects of being an incumbent include name recognition among voters and access to resources for campaigning. Negative aspects may include voter fatigue or desire for change, as well as being held accountable for past decisions or actions during the term in office.

When was Segway Inc. created?

Segway Inc. was created in 2001.

Did enstin create the segway?

Dean Kamen invented the Segway.