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They get busted

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Q: What were two ways that people become slave?
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How did you become a slave in ancient rome?

There were actually two common ways to become a slave in ancient Rome. One was to be born a slave and the other was to be a prisoner of war or part of the population of a town that the Romans enslaved.

What where two ways that people resisted the fugitive slave act?

because they wanted to

What were two ways that people resisted the fugitive slave act?

People helped hide fugitive slaves along the Underground Railroad and wouldn't turn them over to slave catchers.

Discribe two ways a slave trader was able to fit slaves on a ship?

Two ways a slave trader was able to fit slaves on a ship include tight packing and loose packing.

What were two ways that people resisted the Fugative Slave Act?

People helped hide fugitive slaves along the Underground Railroad and wouldn't turn them over to slave catchers. They also helped many slaves escape to Canada.

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This question is axiomatically wrong. A society has a culture. The two are two different ways of perceiving the same thing: people.

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Two ways in which people travel to the theatre was walking and also by boat.

What were the two ways Africa affected by the Atlantic slave trade?

The Atlantic slave trade, transatlantic slave trade, or Euro-American slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, and existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

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What happened during the first slave rebellion in SC?

IN THE FIRST slave rebellion in s.c two slaves shot 75 people

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Two ways that people use leaves as a resource is by composting for gardens and mulch for landscaping.

What were two things slave owners feared?

Slave Owners feared that the slaves would become educated because with education comes freedom. They also feared the resistance of slaves in general.