

What were your major achievements in past year?

Updated: 2/12/2022
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Q: What were your major achievements in past year?
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What if your most important achievements of the past year?

your most important achievements of the past year?

What are your three major achievements in the last one year?

I do not know how we are supposed to know what your own major achievements in the last year are.

What do you consider to be your most important achievements of past year?

Being promoted

What Is Something That You Achieved in the past year?

I have two achievements that I am proud of in the past year. I earned my nursing degree and was able to get a promotion at work because of it.

What is something that you achieved in the past last year?

I have two achievements that I am proud of in the past year. I earned my nursing degree and was able to get a promotion at work because of it.

My achievement for past year were?

Only you know what your achievements for the past year have been. An easy way to gather the information is to sit down and make a list.

'What were your key accomplishments over the past year?

Please refer to the question below on this site, where I answered it: What are your 3 major achievements this year and why do you think they are important for you and the business as a whole?

What do you consider your most important achievements over the past year as a lab technician?

Over the past year, my most important achievements as a lab technician include developing a new testing procedure that increased efficiency by 20%, training new staff members on specialized equipment, and implementing an improved inventory management system that reduced waste and costs in the lab.

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What is something that you achieved in the last year?

I have two achievements that I am proud of in the past year. I earned my nursing degree and was able to get a promotion at work because of it.

What is your past achievement?

Many adult's past achievements include graduating from college or high school. Other past achievements include getting a first real job.