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Q: What will be happen if the pitot tube is placed with its nose facing side away in the flow?
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Day and night happen because of?

It happens because the Earth rotates. So at any time, half of the Earth is facing the Sun, so it is bright and day time there and the other half is facing away from the Sun so it is dark and night time. As the Earth continues to rotate, parts that were facing the Sun are soon facing away from it and the parts facing away from it are now facing it, so everywhere gets day and night.

Should an executive desk be placed in a room against the wall or facing out?

If you want customers to see your face right away then it is best to have the desk facing out. This way you are the intial contact that the customer will see when they enter the building.

When its night time is the earth facing the sun or facing away from the sun?

It is night in the hemisphere facing away from the Sun.

What would happen If the earth remains constant facing the sun?

It is, if one side were to continuously face the sun, though, life would cease to exist. The side facing the sun would become extremely hot while the side facing away would freeze.

When your part of earth is facing away from the sun it is?

? what if if its facing away from the sun it would be night if that is what u asked

Is the half of earth where its nighttime facing toward the sun or away?


When does day and night happen?

Because the part of the Earth you are on is not facing the Sun at that time. The earth is continuously rotating, so at any time, part of the Earth is facing the Sun and part is facing away from it. The part facing it is getting lots of light, so it is day time and the part facing away gets less light, so you have darkness and it is night time.

Is it winter when the sun is facing away from the sun?

The Sun can not face away from the Sun.

Do you wear a heart engagement ring facing out or facing in?

The heart-shaped ring should be facing away from the wearer.

When it is summer are you facing away from the sun?

The Earth tilts toward the sun for spring and summer. So the earth is not facing away from the Sun. If we were not facing the sun, we'd be cold because it would be fall going into winter.

If it is nighttime at a certain place on earth is that place facing toward or away from the sun?


If is nighttime at a certain place on earths is the that place facing toward or away from the sun?
