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Q: What will be the phenotype of the flowers produced from the above cross?
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What is the genotype of the pink flowers?

Pink flowers are the results or offspring of the cross of red and white parental generation. Red flowers gentoype are generally referred to as RR, the uppercase R refers to the red pigment which is dominant over the ww, or white recessive. Using a punnett square of the RR x ww cross... RR x ww Rw Rw genotype: 1 (100%) Rw Rw Rw phenotype: 1 (100%) pink ...yields 100% pink flowers with the genotpe of Rw. An easy way to remember the difference between phenotype and genotype is that both phenotype and physical begin with ph and pehnotype refers to physical appearances/frdcriptions.

What is the phenotype in the F1 generation that disappears in a one trait test cross?

The recessive trait phenotype disappears in a one-trait test cross in the F1 generation. This phenotype can reappear in the F2 generation.

What is pheonotype?

Phenotype is the physical appearance of an organism. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism. For example, if you cross two plants that have the genetic makeup RR for flowers (let's say they're red), then the offspring will all have RR for flowers (homozygous red). The genotype is 100% RR, and the phenotype is 100% Red.

What is the phenotype of a dihybrid cross?

The phenotypic rationof a dihybrid cross is 9:3:3:1

What is the phenotype ratio for cross?

the phenotype ratio is the physical appearance

How can the unknown genotype of an individual with a dominate phenotype be determined?

A test cross.

What is the outward physical appearance of an organism?

The outward physical appearance of an organism is known as its morphology, which includes characteristics such as size, shape, color, and texture. These traits can vary widely across different species and play a role in their survival and reproduction in their specific environments.

To perform a testcross scientists cross an organism with an unknown genotype with a organism.?

If an individual is of the dominant phenotype, its genotype can be either AA or Aa (letter A picked for demonstration's sake). To do a good test cross, we have to be able to unambiguously tell which one of the genotypes the individual is. The best test cross would be conducted with a homozygous recessive (aa) individual. This way, if the cross generates 100% dominant phenotype, then the original individual was homozygous dominant. If the cross generates 50% dominant and 50% recessive phenotype, then the original individual was heterozygous.

What is the name of the cross that involves the mating of an unknown dominant phenotype plant with a homozygous recessive plant for the same trait?

Test Cross

To determine the genotype of an individual that shows the dominant phenotype you would cross that individual with one that is?

To determine the genotype of an individual that shows the dominant phenotype you would cross that individual with one that is homozygous recessive. A monohybrid cross of two individuals that are heterozygous for a trait exhibiting complete dominance would probably result in a phenotype ratio is 3 dominant 1 recessive.

If R is dominant to r the offspring of the cross of RR with rr will be homozygous?

R R r Rr Rr r Rr Rr That is the Punnet Square. The genotype will be 100% Rr in the cross. The phenotype will be whatever phenotype is constituted by your dominant allele.

How do you cross bread flowers?

i have not successfully cross bread flowers but this apparently can be done by planting certain species next to one another.