

What will be the severity of a bird flu pandemic?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What will be the severity of a bird flu pandemic?
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In what year did the bird flu pandemic happen?

The bird flu pandemic has happened 4 times in recorded human history. It has occurred in 1918, 1957 as the Asian flu, 1968 in Hong Kong, and in 2009 as the swine flu.

Is Flu contagious?

Yes, some strains are highly contagious in humans, such as the H1N1/09 pandemic Swine Flu. Others, like the Avian (bird) flu, are not easily transmitted from person to person. Transmission of the bird flu from human to human is extremely rare.

What questions must scientist answer to fully understand the 1918 flu pandemic?

Is it a the flu epidemic or flu pandemic

What is a disease that can be spread?

A disese which is constantly present in an area is called as "endemic disease." A disease which spreds in a small area is called as "epidemic". A disease which spreads throughout the world is called as "pandemic". Eg. The recent psread of the bird-flu from china to other parts of the world.

What are the effects of a flu pandemic?

the effects of a flu pandemic don't need to be lethal because the meaning of the word pandemic is that the disease is spreading fast on a global scale.

What was the worst pandemic?

The 1918 pandemic of the Spanish Flu killed multiple millions world wide.

What is a pandemic flu?

Pandemic Flu Pandemic refers to contagious or infectious diseases that are usually worldwide or spread across several continents. Some examples of diseases that have caused past pandemics would be cholera, small pox, the bubonic plague, typhus, the Spanish flu, and the Asian flu. Flu refers to influenza. Human influenza pandemics, such as the 2009 novel swine flu (A-H1N1/09) pandemic, are caused by the influenza virus subtypes of A-H1N1. A-H1N1/09 is the subtype that caused this recent swine flu pandemic. It was declared a pandemic on June 11, 2009 by WHO (World Health Organisation). A flu virus that becomes prevalent throughout the world (Apex)

What is the future outlook of bird flu?

It is expected that bird flu will continue to be a part of human experience in the near and distant future. Aggressive measures to keep it from spreading are expected to be successful in containing it.

What pandemic hit the world in 1918?

spanish flu

What are the release dates for Burt Flu The Bird with Bird Flu - 2005?

Burt Flu The Bird with Bird Flu - 2005 was released on: USA: 11 December 2005

What do you do during the Bird Flu?

The Bird Flu, luckily, did not develop into a worldwide pandemic as was once feared. This mainly had to do with the anatomical differences between avarian and human respiratory tracts. However, if you travel to the East, be sure that you do not touch any fowl, dead or alive, and that if you eat any fowl that it is fully cooked.