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Q: What will happen if mucous is not secreated by gastric gland?
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Is the sublingual gland is also know as the mixed glands?

NO. sublingual gland is mucous salivary exocrine gland.

What gland is found in the mucosa of the small intestine and produces intestinal juice?

The gastric glands produce intestinal juice. Gastric glands are found in the mucosa of the small intestine, where it pours these juices into the small intestines to dissolve fibrin and emulsify fats.

What controls thyroxine?

Is a hormone secreted bx thyroid gland important in maintaing calcium and phosphate balance of the body,normal development of neurons,maintaining metabolic rate,important in growth of infants.

Do mucous cells and serous cells stain the same?

Basically, no. Assuming a standard H&E stain, Serous cells will stain darker, and appear much more granular as their secretions contain large quantities of enzymes (namely Lysozome), hence you will also find the serous cells also contain large quantities or Rough ER, required for protein (enzyme) manufacture. Mucous cells secrete mucin, which has a large water carrying ability, and so you will find mucous cells (such as goblet cells, or mucous cells of the sublingual gland) stain much clearer in comparison to serous cells. A good histological comparison of these different cell types can be made by looking up a couple of the salivary glands. A parotid gland, which will have large numbers of serous cells (heavily stained), and also a few adipocytes dotted about the place (these will be stained VERY clear). A sublingual gland will have large numbers of mucous cells, and just a few serous cells dotted about the place. If you then look at a submandubular gland, this would be good for comparison, once you've got the hang of what the different cells types look like, as this gland has a fairly even mix of serous and mucous cells. If you don't have access to a microscope and prepared stained sections, then there's plenty of images on the web, or in Histology text books. Hope this helps. Will UK Medical Student

Is sclerotherapy injection for haemorrhoid affects the prostate gland?

In some cases, yes it can affects the prostate. usually happen to the patient that have enlarged prostate gland ( due to some disease ) and the injection of sclerotherapy too close or had direct contact to the prostate gland.