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If there is no constitution recognized technically then the State or Republic does not exist. The Constitution to an United States citizen means how the government works. Ii tells you how and when to vote, the checks and the balances, the separation of powers. We as americans know how to make a country work, that has come under criticism as of late.

In a place like Somolia where no Constitution exists to my knowledge it means Factions fighting constanly. Warlords have areas of control, "Their Turf".

What that means is that you are in a constant state of war. The business of helping citizens is low on the totem pole. It generally fall into the hands of The Red Cross or other neutral entities that provide just enough food and medicine to keep everyone mal-noutrished at best. That is because politics with gun is going on daily.

In conclusion a country with no constitution is not a country but a war waiting to happen

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In the US, the Constitution outlines how government is supposed to work. Without that, there would be chaos and disorder. It is the basis of law in the US.

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Q: What would happen if there were no constitution in our country?
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