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Depends. If it is a steel smooth rollercoaster, it probably had no affect on the child. If it was very rough there is some risk of harm to the baby.

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Q: What will happen if you are 1 month pregnant and rode a roller coaster?
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At what point in your pregnancy can you not ride a roller coaster what if you are only a month pregnant?

don't ride a roller coaster if you are pregnant. Doesn't matter how far along!! Probably nothing would happen and you would be quite safe at least until 3 months, but if anything did happen you would blame yourself.

Is it ok to ride a roller coaster before 1 month of being pregnant?

If there is a chance you will get bumped around and possible hit your tummy area, then no it isn't safe.AnswerBefore one month you probably won't even know you are pregnant so it is quite safe. If you did ride one and happen to miscarry it will have absolutely nothing to do with riding the roller coaster.Banging your tummy has nothing to do with it as the baby is not even out of the pelvis until 12 weeks along.AnswerMost roller coasters and amusement park rides have signs that state " Do not ride this ride if you are pregnant" Along with several other warnings. I would say NO it is not safe to ride these rides.

Play roller coaster tycoon 3 unlimited time and for free?

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Usually cats are only pregnant for about a month and a half. So it would be very rare for that to happen.

What will happen to the girl after a week if she gets pregnant?

She will have what is called a missed period. Where you don't get your period for that month. And if that happens then you should take a pergency test to make sure that she is pregnant.

What days of the month cant a girl get pregnant?

There are no days of a month where a girl is guranteed to not get pregnant

Are you pregnant if you dont have your period one month but you get it the month after that?

No you are not

What will happen if you miss your period for a month and still hasn't had it for the next month yet?

well,there's no easy way to say this, but your either pregnant or your going through menopause, either its those two or i honestlydon't have an answer for you.

Can a mare get pregnant in August?

Yes, she can. If she comes into season during that month or any month for that matter she can get pregnant.

When your pregnant is your periods late just one month or every month?

While you are pregnant you do not have periods at all.

Are roller coasters too dangerous?

Actually, barley. FACT: Roller coasters are safer than crossing the street. Think about it ? How many news reports do you hear about people being hit by cars? @ the most once a month (way more). How many news reports do you hear about people dying, falling off, or being hurt on roller coasters? none I'VE heard ever. See the difference? So a fact is roller coasters are very safe.

Can you smoke if your a month pregnant?

You should never smoke when you are pregnant.