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When runing the remote wire to the positive on,your amp it will stay on when the key is on or off but if you run ur remote wire to the radio fuse in ur fuse box it will cut the ampoff when key is off and with key on itll turn amp on

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Q: What will happen if you bridge the remote wire to the ground?
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Power akoustik bamf 5500 watt amp powering 2 15 l7s I have checked power wire the ground the remote wire and still can't get amp to turn on the bass remote light turns on but the amp won't?

You may want to check fuses if there are any on your amp, the power wire ground wire and remote wire are the only things i can think of, might want to just ship it back if it is still under warranty. good luck

How do i wire a toggle switch for an amp?

Hook a switch up to the remote turn on and ground. Before the wiring for the amp.

You hooked your amp properly and it does not work will the remote wire stop the amp from working?

Yes, the remote wire that hooks up to the stereo tells the amp to turn on, it works like a switch. If that is hooked up properly check your ground.

Where is the ground wire for the ignition coil on a 93 C1500 w 5.7?

if you remove the coil cover on top of the distrubutor, there will be a red wire, a white/ or yellow wire, and a black wire which will be the ground. The Coil is not mounted on distributor in 93. It has a remote coil

What do you do with the CD player remote wire?

The Remote wire is for the installation of an amplifier. When you install the amp, you have a power (+12V) and ground wire to power the amp, but if you did not have a remote wire, it would drain all of your battery power while you were away from the car (because it would continually suck energy from it); however, without the remote signal coming from the CD player, the amp does not turn on. Does that answer your question? Basically, unless you're installing an amp, don't mess with it.

Where do you put the remote wire on your deck?

You only need the remote wire if you have an external amp.

What will happen to someone who is holding a live wire in the air and not touching the ground?

Nothing will happen , as the current always flows from higher potential to lower potential and if the person is touching only live wire then, there is no other path for the current to flow , but if the person touches the ground , the ground is at "0" potential, so, the current tries to flow from live wire to the ground via person , so the person gets shock in that case but not when a person is only touching the live wire and not the ground.

Do you need to hook up the remote wire on your car amp?

Yes a remote wire is necessary. You must wire the remote wire from the amp to and ignition source of power (a component which turns on when the ignition in the car is engaged.) i.e. the radio. The remote wire signals for the amp to power on.

Where do you attach the remote wire to your car stereo?

The remote wire coming out of your car stereo constantly sends a low voltage signal while the stereo is turned on. This is to signal external components such as amplifiers or power antenae to activate. If you don't have these items, the remote wire should be taped off as to not ground out on anything. IF you were wondering where to run the remote wire from your amplifier to a stereo that does not have a remote wire, I would suggest sistering it to the hot wire (red) coming out of the stereo. Make sure that your radio doesn't function without the ignition turned on. If your radio works without the key in the ignition and you have your remote wire from your amp wired to the hot wire on your deck your amp will remain on all of the time wether you're in the car or not. This will lead to a dead battery. Hope this helps Shane (vmax33)