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Nothing will happen at first. It will just go out as waste. Eventually, however, it can lead to digestive problems because paper is not meant to be inside the body.

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You will get a nice chocolaty taste in your mouth as you eat it and you may get fat.

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MMMMMM tasty!!

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Q: What will happen if you eat microwave melted chocolate?
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Is it bad to eat chocolate that has melted and solidified again?

Not at all. Any time chocolate candy is made, the chocolate is melted and solidified. Chocolate chips in chocolate chip cookies have melted and solidified.

What materials do you need to make chocolate melt?

You can melt ANY kind of chocolate. White chocolate, Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, ANY kind at all. that can be true but its better to melt cooking chocolate it is more smooth and creamy!

How do you prepare to eat a strawberries?

well you first wash the strawberries and eat it,or you can eat it with chocolate dipping ;) you can take like chocolate and then let it melt in the microwave or on the cooktop.

Can you eat melted chocolate with braces?

Yes you can eat chocolate while wearing braces however it may get messy and make sure it isn't too hot

What do you eat flapjacks with?

i normally have them on there own! but anything could be eaten with them, how about some melted chocolate!

How do people eat chocolate?

Solid, melted, fudge, cream, pudding, liquid, hot, cold, frozen.

Do cats vomit and get diarrhea when they eat chocolate?

Yes, it can make them very sick but it depends how much they eat. I heard of one cat that actually exploded, but I think that had something to do with a microwave rather than chocolate. You should never put a cat in a microwave to warm it up.

Does Santa eat candy canes?

Yes, Santa loves candy canes. Especially melted into his hot chocolate.

What will happen if you freeze popcorn Will it pop better Will it not pop Will it explode?

Nothing will happen. but after you microwave it and eat it. you're face will melt off!

What can happen if you eat string cheese left out in the sun for more than 3 hours?

It will be melted and you can get sick.

Is melted chocolate recoverable?

Well...yes, because you melt chocolate when you work with it. Having said that, there are really two answers to this question. Chocolate has to be melted in a certain way when you work with it. It's called tempering, and it melts the cocoa butter into the chocolate properly. If you tempered some chocolate to use in a recipe or to make some candy or something, and you didn't get any water in it, you can remelt the leftovers and make something else out of them. OTOH, if you left the chocolate in the trunk of your car, it wasn't melted right and, when it hardens, you'll get this weird film of cocoa butter on the surface. You're just gonna have to eat that because it won't work right when you melt it. (I know it's a terrible penance to have to eat two or three pounds of chocolate, but you do what you must.)

What will probably happen to you if eat a lot of chocolate every day?

You will probably gain weight.