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Not sure, but I woulodnt try it

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Q: What will happen if you put helium in a kiddie pool?
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Can you put bleach in a kiddie pool to kill algi is it safe?

Not if you let the kids into it. Better to drain it, use bleach to clean and kill the algi, and then rinse well.

Can you fill a children's pool using a hot water heater?

Yes! Connect a garden hose to the output valve of the water heater and open the water heater valve to put hot water into the kiddie pool. This is the fastest way to warm a children's pool.

A lighted splint is put into a gas jar of helium . what would happen?

the lighted splint would stop burning as Helium does not burn.

What will happen if you put guppies in a pool?

It will die if pull is so big

Can you put a kiddie pool on the deck?

Before you begin working on a pool deck for an above ground pool, you should place the pool and fill it with water so that you know how big the pool is. If you build the deck first, you will only be able to get a pool that is the same size as the deck, and you may not be able to find a pool with those dimensions.

What are those things called outside of stores that you put change into to ride?

Kiddie Ride

How do you attract gray tree frogs?

I think they to attract them is by having a kiddie pool in your backyard or in the woods they usually live in woods or in little ponds by the woods. If your using a kiddie pool like me i would dig a hole the size of the pool and put it in there then put pond water in it the reason why you have to dig a hole is because some frogs wont be able to get in there attracted a frog in there and its a green or bronze frog i caught it on July 27 2012 it was sitting on a rock half on half off like gray tree frogs laying there eggs but i don't know how green or bronze frogs mate or lay eggs i put it in my frog tank with 4 other fire belly toads for a other question someone asked can a frog or toad lay its eggs with no mate i answerd that one 2. Just be careful when you put water in your kiddie pool in the woods mosquitoes will go there and to attrack frogs to lay eggs put leaves in the pool and they will soon float to the bottom and tadpoles will eat them but do not put tap water in itl when you have tadpoles in it i killed all all the ones in it sadly on July 28. Sorry 4 any typos

What will happen when a chlorine tablet is dropped to the bottom in your pooL?

It dissolves slowly but surely, it will mix when you put your filter on!

What would happen if you put a bucket up ways in a swimming pool?

It would tip over but still float.

What would happen if you put helium in your mouth more than once?

Helium can kill you without you feeling a thing as it replaces the oxygen in your lungs and your body does not know the difference, you will black out though and start breathing oxygen again.

What happens to helium when you put a burning split in?

Nothing, helium is inert.

If you have a barrel and you put it on a scale what do you put in it to make it lighter?
