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It would tip over but still float.

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Q: What would happen if you put a bucket up ways in a swimming pool?
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What would happen if you open a bottle of ink in your swimming pool?

it would get dirty

How much water in a24x16x16inch swimming pool?

That's more like a bucket then a swimming pool 26.59 gallons 100.65 liters

How does oil get in a swimming pool?

Oil gets in a swimming pool because someone grabbed a bucket of oil and threw it in the pool.

Should I try to repair leaks in an above-ground swimming pool myself?

If you want to know if your pool leaks. # Take a bucket of water from the pool. # mark the water level of the pool. # mark the water level in the bucket. # check to see how much the water has gone down after a couple of days in the pool and n the bucket. # If the level in the bucket is closer to the mark then the level in the pool there is water being lost some where. If there is no difference then there is no leak. The surface water on the bucket evaporates at the same rate as that on the pool, so the should stay the same.

Which has a higher concentration of salt a tablespoon of seawater or a swimming pool with a bucket of seawater?

a table spoon of seawater

Why is there more water in the swimming pool than what the swimming pool can physically hold?

because wants to It seems like you are asking why a 5 gallon bucket holds more than 5 gallons of water. IT DOESN'T

Can a leaking swimming pool cause a sinkhole?

It would cause excessive mud and the swimming pool would sink slightly. It would only cause a sinkhole if there was a hole underground under the pool.

Why would you want a plane that doesn't have a swimming pool?

Airplanes do not HAVE swimming pools.

How do you use alligator in a sentences?

I would like for you to please remove the alligator from my swimming pool. Yes, there's an alligator in my swimming pool. I suppose the alligator mistook my swimming pool for the nearby pond.

Why would a competitive swimming pool be 33 meters long?

It wouldn't be. If you're swimming in meters the pool should be 50 meters, and I've seen them be 25 meters occasionally. If you're swimming in yards the pool would be 25 yards.

How would you floor of the swimming pool appear from the top of the pool?

same as the bottom

Would you be able to detect a glass of lemonade in a swimming pool?

Depends on the pool.