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He will be sentenced to death.

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If Magwitch is caught in England, he will likely face severe legal consequences due to his status as a convict who escaped from Australia. He could be arrested, tried, and possibly sentenced to further imprisonment or even death as a punishment for his crimes.

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Q: What will happen to Magwitch if he is caught in England?
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Herbert advises Pip to get Magwitch, also known as Provis, out of England to keep him safe from legal repercussions, as Magwitch is a wanted criminal. Herbert fears that if Magwitch is caught in England, he will be arrested and likely executed. Thus, getting him out of the country is seen as the best way to protect him.

Because Magwitch had a criminal record what could happen to him if the authorities found him?

he could be hanged

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Why will pip not inherit magwitch's wealth?

Pip will not inherit Magwitch's wealth because Magwitch is a convicted criminal and his wealth was acquired illegally through criminal activities. Therefore, the law prevents individuals from benefiting from criminal proceeds. Additionally, Pip and Magwitch do not have a legal familial relationship that would allow for inheritance.

What did Magwitch do with the two one-pound notes Pip had given him?

Magwitch used the two one-pound notes that Pip had given him to purchase new clothes and supplies to help him evade capture and escape from England.

What does Magwitch risk by going to London to see Pip?

Magwitch risks being captured and arrested by going to London to see Pip, as he is a wanted criminal. If he is caught, he will likely be imprisoned or even sentenced to death. Additionally, by revealing his presence to Pip, Magwitch also risks putting Pip in danger of being involved in his criminal activities.

Why does Pip return Magwitch's unopened pocketbook?

Pip returns Magwitch's unopened pocketbook out of a sense of duty and gratitude towards the man who helped make him a gentleman. Pip also realizes that Magwitch wanted him to have it as a token of their bond and as a way to ensure that Pip would be financially secure after Magwitch's death.

Which person did magwitch work for?

Magwitch worked for Compeyson, a fellow convict who betrayed him, leading to Magwitch's imprisonment.

When was Abel Magwitch created?

Abel Magwitch was created in 1861.

Is malaria caught in England?
