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Your computer could get viruses, become slow, or have broken parts if you use it improperly.

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Q: What will happen to the computer if it is improperly used?
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Are medicines harmful if used improperly?

Yes, medicines can definitely be harmful if used improperly.

What happens if a computer gets disposed of improperly?

it explodes

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Mainly overexertion injuries.

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if you use it improperly, it can very well mess up your computer.

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Only if the cables are connected improperly.

What adjectives are usually used with errors?

If you mean which adjectives are used to describe the noun errors, they could be subtle, gross, human, computer.In the following sentence the word computer is used as an adjective with the word errors: The bills were printed improperly because of a series of computer errors.

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I do not understand the format of your improperly worded grammar. Please rephrase the question in a correct format (AKA: what are you trying to get on your computer?)

Does the bluetooth work improperly when next to a computer?

No - it works better over short distances.

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How can police discretion be used inproperly

What will happen when a piece of music is improperly played?

Chords and notes will clash and it won't sound right.

When you are a garbage man is there anything bad that could happen to you like any diseases?

Yes that could happen.You can be stuck with a needle that was dispose of improperly. Yes it can.You can be stuck by an improperly dispose needle.

What causes a memory leak?

A memory leaks can occur in a computer when a program on one's computer improperly manages the computer's memory allocations. This may happen when a object is stored but cannot be accessed by a running code.