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In principle it should work better since the resistance falls as the temperature goes down.

In practice, if you have a dodgy phone line, a common reason is because the external jacket has deteriorated and allowed water in. So as cold weather often correlates to wet weather, it could get worse. This will have a much bigger impact than the temperature effects on resistance which are quite small.

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Q: What will happen to the telephone line if the temperature decreases in terms of the movement of the molecules?
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I would suppose so as without temperature there is no movement of molecules. That is what temperature is; the movement of molecules. Absolute zero in temperature would mean the complete stoppage of all molecular movement.

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The molecules of the gas will slowly start to slow down, causing a drop in temperature.

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The relationship between temperature and molecule movement is a direct variation. Whenever the molecule movement increases so does the temperature; when the molecule movement decreases so does the temperature. I hope that helps.

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