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Q: What will happen to the tribes when the rainforest destroyed?
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What will happen to the animals if the rainforest is destroyed?

Animals will loose their home and try to survive , most likely they wont.

Where in the world do rainforest tribes live?

In the rainforest duma $$

What tribes live in UK?

There aren't tribes in the UK, its not the amazon rainforest!

How do tribes survive the weather in the amazon rainforest?

Tribes living in the rainforest climates survive by living off the land. They eat foods they find in the rainforest, they use materials they find in the rainforest to build their homes, and they hunt.

What do rainforest tribes wear?

they wear hay

What do tribes drink in the rainforest?


How many tribes live in the rainforest?

Without being more specific about which rainforest it is not possible to answer

What type of people live in the Amazon rainforest?

There are many tribes that live in the amazon rainforest

What cities have destroyed rainforest?

All of the cities, towns ect: have destroyed the rainforest, with high demand of items that are made from materials from the rainforest, demand for beef has risen so they need more area for the cows to live in so they cut down the rainforest, soy beans take up alot of room that the rainforest could of covered. So in conclusion all of the cities have destroyed the rainforest

What do the tribes in the rainforest eat?

they hunt for bushmeat and farm

What tribes live in amazon rainforest?

poo wee

Name one of the national tribes that lives in Arizona rainforest?

One of the national tribes that live in Arizona rainforest is the Ticuna tribe. They are also called Maguta, Tucuna, Tikuna, or Tukuna tribe. They are the most numerous in the Arizona rainforest.