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Q: What will happen to the world if we don't conserve resources?
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What happens if we don't conservate?

What will happen if we don't conserve you ask? well if we dont conserve then we wont have Energy, Water,Wildlife and more!

Why do you conserve beach?

you dont

Why is it necessary to conserve resources?

It is necessary to conserve resources as: 1. We have to save them for the future. 2. They help us in the development of the country. 3. We should not over utilise them. 4. They are limited ,should be used properly. 5. Alternatives of these should also be used so that they dont vanish fully and early.

How can i describe how you can use the three rs to conserve resources?

The three Rs - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle - are strategies that can be used to conserve resources. Reduce means consuming less and minimizing waste by using fewer resources in the first place. Reuse involves finding ways to use items again instead of throwing them away. And finally, recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new products. By applying these principles, we can effectively conserve resources and reduce our overall environmental impact.

What happens if we don't conserve?

If no one conserves then our planet will be from clean to comepleatly dirty because if we keep not saving stuff then we will have to make more dumps and more dumps means less money for the government.

Why is mining bad for the world?

because if u dont repair ur work correctly it damages habitats and animals. mining also takes away natural resources we need to conserve. reclamation is the process in which u restore the land u mined on or destroyed

What had happen after the World War I?

i really dont know

What are ways you can protect the world's resources?

Recycle & dont waste things!!!!!!!11one

How you conserve electricity like television?

Dont use your tv

Are tigers being extinct?

Yes, if we dont send funds there will be no more tigers in the world we dont want that to happen.

What problems might arise if you dont conserve water?

you can get dehydrated, bad headaches can happen, feeling very tired and even kidney failure because your blood is thicker and making your body work harder.