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You could get an infection from all the germs;if their is rust on the nail you could also get lock-jaw, unless you have had recent shots for it.

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Q: What will happen to your foot if you step on a dirty nail?
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Should you soak your foot in milk if you step on a rusty nail?

no wash it keep it elevated and stay off for a few hours

What is a 'pivot' in basketball?

Answerit's were you get the ball and step with one foot but then you cannot move that foot so pretend that there is a nail in your foot but you can move clockwise or anticlockwise a pivot is also a thing u can use 4 thingsss

You step on a rusty nail which punctures your skin what shot should you get?

If you step on a rusty nail then you would have to get a tetanus shot

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Not much, unless you step on a nail, or get grease in an open wound. Your feet might get sore, that's about it.

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The pressure and weight under your foot exceeds the resistance of the scorpions exoskeleton therefore you crush fairly

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First, take a step with right foot then left foot then turn over right shoulder. Or take step with left foot then right foot then turn over left shoulder.

What is the length of an average foot step?

The length of an average foot step is about 1.6 feet for a child. The average foot step is 2.2 to 2.6 feet for an adult.

What are the ingredients in crackle nail polish?

Crackle nail polish basically has alchohol in iit. The alcohol makes the nail polish crackle, because of the chemicals in it. Crackle nail polish can also be done at home. Materials: 1) 1 bottle of nail polish (colored nail polish perferred) 2) 1 bottle of alcohol Procedure: Step 1) open the bottle of nail polish Step 2) open alchol, and poor 1 cap of alcohol into 1 bottle of nail polish Step 3) shake up the nail polish Step 4) apply to nails with nail polish on it. It takes a few secs to start to crackle. And wala! There u go homemade crackle nail polish!! ;)

Where is the information on how to matte nail polish?

One can find information as to how to matte nail polish when one goes to the websites of amazon and youtube. On these sites, there are step-by-step guides as well as illustrations that help one with matting nail polish.

How do you dance close step?

just let your other foot step sideward and followed by the next foot do the same

How do you get your girlfriend to step on you barefoot?

You step on there foot and maybe they will step back.

How do draw nail art?

There are many different styles colors i would suggest taking classes or order some nail art books that gives you a step by step procedure