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When a bacterium divides it makes two clones of itself.

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Q: What will happen when the bacterium divides?
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Process in which a bacterium replicates its DNA and divides in half?

binary fission

If a certain bacterium divides every 30 min when will there be more than 1000 bacteria?

It would take 5 hours to get over 1000.

How do bacteria reproduce is?

Bacteria can reproduce sexually and asexually. Sexually, two bacteria are involved, but asexually, the bacterium divides on its own in a process similar to that of cellular mitosis.

What happen to the stem body when the cell divides?

They are cut into two pieces

If one bacterium divides once every 20 minutes how many would there be after six hours?

After six hours, and assuming they all survive dividing, you would have 232144

What can happen before a cell can go through mitosis?

it divides in two parts.

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it divides

What will happen if a fertilized ovum divides and forms two embryos?

Identical twins

When one bacterium split in the middle to form two bacteria what is it?

This process is called binary fission. Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction in which a single bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. It is the most common method of bacterial reproduction.

Prokaryotes divide by binary fission a form of asexual reproduction in which?

a bacterium splits into two equal halves with identical genetic information or cell divides into two cells with identical genetic information

What would happen to a bacterium that did NOT form endospores when entering an extremely hot environment?

bacterias growth would be slowed

What would happen to an engulfed bacterium if it never contacted a digestive vacuole?

If an engulfed bacterium did not come into contact with a digestive vacuole, the phagocytosis would not be possible. Phagocytosis destroys bacteria to help keep us healthy.